What is Forgiveness?

When unjustly hurt by another, we forgive when we overcome the resentment toward the offender, not by denying our right to the resentment, but instead by trying to offer the wrongdoer compassion, benevolence, and love; as we give these, we as forgivers realize that the offender does not necessarily have a right to such gifts.


Why Forgive?

Physically, forgiveness creates a higher quality of life, a healthier body, and a more positive attitude. It can reduce anger, bitterness, resentment and depression. Spiritually, forgiveness affirms what our faith usually requires of us and, therefore, helps us live a life of integrity. Socially, forgiveness reduces anger and resentment and often leads to an improvement in personal relationships with family, friends and community.


How to Forgive

Dr. Robert Enright, founder of the International Forgiveness Institute, has created a pathway to forgiveness that can help you forgive if you willingly choose to do so. His latest book is a hands-on guide that walks readers through the process in 8 key steps with a special focus on self-forgiveness as well as interpersonal forgiveness.


Girl in a jacket


Forgiveness Education for Grades Pre-K through 12

The International Forgiveness Institute focuses on the development of forgiveness education curricula for children in war-torn, impoverished, and/or oppressed areas of the globe.


Forgiveness: the Path to Worldwide Peace

Forgiveness education is one path toward peace and the International Forgiveness Institute is convinced that forgiveness is the missing piece to the peace puzzle.


Forgiveness Education Around the World          

In more than 30 countries around the world, the International Forgiveness Institute has established Forgiveness Education programs for children.


Meet Dr. Robert Enright ~ "Forgiveness Trailblazer"

Dr. Robert Enright is the unquestioned pioneer in the scientific study of forgiveness and has been called "the forgiveness trailblazer" by Time magazine.

Quote of the Day

“It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.”

— Saint Francis of Assisi