Frequently Asked Questions

Here we explore answers to questions that are often asked about forgiveness. Perhaps you have asked yourself some of these same questions. We hope this discussion will be helpful to you for the courageous task of applying forgiveness in your own life.


As you read and ponder these issues for yourself, we invite you to post your own question on our Ask Dr. Forgiveness page.


Note: More detailed answers to these and other questions can be found in “The World of Forgiveness” Vol. 3, No. 4 available in the IFI Store.


  1. Why are some people afraid to forgive?
  2. Why is forgiveness better than a neutral attitude toward the wrongdoer?
  3. If I forgive, I am concerned that I may forget. Will forgiveness make me forget?
  4. If I forgive, I am concerned that I won’t forget. Will forgiving help me forget?
  5. If I forgive, might I repress my angry feelings?
  6. Is it selfish of me to forgive for my own benefit?
  7. How do I know when I have genuinely forgiven?
  8. Should I forgive immediately after being hurt by someone or should I take some time first?
  9. Can forgiveness and justice occur together?
  10. How do I forgive an institution, such as a place of employment?
  11. How long must I wait before I experience some emotional relief from the injustice I am enduring?
  12. How often should I do the work of forgiving?

Note: More detailed answers to these and other questions can be found in “The World of Forgiveness” Vol. 3, No. 4 available in the IFI Store.

Learn More: “About the International Forgiveness Institute”