Are You Looking for Peace?

Are you looking for peace? First look within. How peaceful are you inside?

Are you looking for peace? Do not insist that peace will come only if the other is peaceful toward you. You ultimately do not have control over the other.

Are you looking for peace? Please do not presume that it will never come just because it is not here today.

Are you looking for peace? Are you willing to suffer first for it by bearing the pain that has come your way? The more you run from the pain, the faster it runs to keep up with you.

Are you looking for peace? Look first to serve the one who has hurt you. Shine the light on the other, not on yourself. Be merciful toward him even when the world tells you to retaliate.

Are you looking for peace? First abandon the quest for peace within as your primary goal. Be a servant to others first in the hope that their peace increases….and then the inner peace is likely to come when you least expect it.

The more you give mercy to others, the more peace you will find within and perhaps even between and among you.


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Categories: Consequences of Forgiving, Our Forgiveness Blog


  1. Samantha says:

    As we stop trying to heal ourselves and are serving others, then we are made whole again. We should all try to remember this. Doesn’t traditional psychotherapy take just the opposite approach by concentrating primarily on the patient’s needs?

  2. Ferd says:

    Today, Sunday May 5, 2013 I attended Catholic Mass. Here is one of the passages from John 14: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”

  3. Alex says:

    The more we strive for our own peace, the less of it we find. The more concerned we are with giving peace to others, the more likely that peace will come to us.

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