Archive for July, 2023

What is the difference between transcending one’s anger and forgiving?

You can transcend your anger and still have condemning thoughts toward someone who was unfair to you.  In other words, getting rid of the anger does not mean that you are focusing goodwill toward this other person.  Forgiveness is person-centered.  If the anger is transcended without a thought about the other, this is not forgiveness.  If you are reducing your anger specifically toward the other, in the sense of seeing personhood in the other, and even the possibility of reconciliation if this person changes hurtful ways, this is forgiveness.

If I am not angry or disappointed at the other’s actions, is forgiveness even appropriate? My partner is, what he calls himself, “lazy.” He is correct about this. He often does not get done what he has promised. He asks me to forgive him, but without the anger, can I do that?

Forgiveness is being good to those who have not been good to you, without excusing the wrong.  Both of you agree that his lack of promise-keeping is morally wrong.  Therefore, you can forgive even if you are not angry or disappointed.  For example, if you see him in a negative light as a person, part of your forgiving is to work on seeing the truth that he, in fact, is a person worthy of kindness and respect.

I am angry with myself for allowing myself to be hurt by a co-worker. He kept giving himself credit for work we did together. I did not find out about this until after he already had done this with our boss. What would you recommend? Should I forgive myself?

When people are angry with themselves, it is appropriate to engage in self-forgiveness, but only if they truly see the actions as morally wrong.  In your case, you were not even aware that your co-worker was taking credit for your work.  I think you need to forgive your co-worker rather than forgive yourself because you did not act immorally.  Regarding being angry with yourself, I urge you to stand in the truth that you were unaware of what was happening and therefore give yourself credit for not acting wrongly.

My friend was abandoned by her partner. She still is not recovered because she is very angry. Is it better if she starts to forgive once she settles down with her anger or is it better to go ahead now with forgiving, as she is motivated to do so?

Most people need a time to be angry and to adjust to the trauma of injustice before starting the forgiveness process.  At the same time, if a person has settled down to some extent and is still angry, the forgiveness process can aid in the reducing of that anger.  So, a central question is this: Is the anger still very fresh in which case she needs time to settle down and process some of the anger or has she done that already and therefore is ready to start forgiving?  You might consider asking her this question.

I have to admit that I am kind of afraid to forgive. I don’t want to “look suffering in the eye.” What would be your recommendation for me?

Many people are afraid to examine their own degree of suffering or even their degree of anger because they see no solution once they “look suffering in the eye” (or anger in the eye).  Please remember that forgiveness is a strong solution to suffering and anger and so it is all right for you to stand in the truth and see your suffering and see your level of anger.  Forgiveness is your safety net.  As you see that suffering, bolstered by the confidence that forgiveness gives to you, then try to discern what meaning this suffering has for you.  The result is likely to be a significant reduction in that suffering.