Your Unfolding Love Story Continues

Memorial Day: a chance to reflect on those who gave of themselves for causes larger than their own survival. We thank you for leaving a legacy of love. Now it is our turn. Shall we strive to leave our own legacy of love on this earth?

The time is shorter than we think. If we could ask each of those whose lives we honor on this Memorial Day, do you think they would say that their span of life was exactly as they had expected? In all likelihood, no.

We can start making a difference even today in adding to our Unfolding Love Story. Whom will you serve today? To whom will you extend love, perhaps in an unexpected way so that you leave that person with a smiling heart?

Adding to your Unfolding Love Story awaits. Please do not delay.


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Categories: Our Forgiveness Blog, Unfolding Love Story


  1. Penelope says:

    Your wake up calls are so challenging. I guess forgiveness is a struggle. It is hard work but so worth it. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Roger says:

    Life becomes so much more meaningful if we have love as our goal. We do not always hit that target and sometimes we fall flat, but as we get up and dust ourselves off, we know that life has great meaning.

  3. Mark says:

    Tdoay I left my partner with a smiling heart. I talked about how valuable she is as a person to me. It truly touched her heart. The Unfolding Love Story has begun.

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