Grade 9 Healing Hearts, Building Peace


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If you noticed, I did not entitle this subheading as a “Forgiveness Curriculum,” but instead referred to it as a “Forgiveness Guide.” This is because there is no formal class associated with the ninth grade forgiveness learning. The intent here, for example, is for teachers of English, History, Psychology, Civics, Anthropology, and Religion, to coordinate discussions of forgiveness.

Each teacher who participates commits to teaching one to three lessons in which forgiveness is incorporated into the learning. For example, in History class, the teacher can focus on Martin Luther King, Jr. and his book, Strength to Love, in which he called for forgiveness of others during a tremendously challenging period when his house was being firebombed. The DVD, Forgiving Dr. Mengele, describes the journey of Eva Moses Kor, as she struggles to forgive the doctor who experimented on her and her twin sister in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Teachers, who commit to this way of introducing forgiveness to ninth grade students, meet occasionally to coordinate efforts. The point of the ninth grade approach is to help the students see the ways in which thinking about forgiveness can be applied in different high school subjects and to the students’ own lives.

The regular price of $10 per unit is for the electronic version of the guide that can be accessed and printed online. 

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Standard Version – Electronic, Christian Version – Electronic