Seeing Beyond the Tears

Sometimes when we are caught up in grief and anger, it seems like this is all there will ever be now in our life. Permanent tears. Permanent anger.

Yet, please take a look at two different times in your life in which you were steeped in heartache or rage. The tears came…..and they left.

Today it may seem like these will never end…..but they will.

Take a lesson from your own past. The pains were temporary.

They are temporary even now.

Forgiveness helps them to be temporary.


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Categories: Anger, Future, Our Forgiveness Blog, Perseverance


  1. Irene says:

    I have been told that if we can just hang in there when we are very troubled, then the particular problem we are facing is substantially changed even within one month. We all need to remember that. And as we wait we can forgive.

  2. Samantha says:

    Love is stronger than sorrow. Please let the love in you shine through and the tears all of a sudden will be easier to bear.

  3. Abbie says:

    Thank you for this long-view perspective. So often I just look at “now” and this can be painful because it can seem that the pain will never end. It does end and you have pointed me to my past so that I can have confidence in the future.

  4. Paula says:

    This is the same whether we have a physical injury or a heart injury. When we are in a cast because of a broken arm, we know that it gets better. We need this kind of encouragement for the injury to the heart.

  5. Amy says:

    This perspective provides hope. We have to see beyond the pain. So valuable. Thank you.


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