Seeing Beyond the Tears
Sometimes when we are caught up in grief and anger, it seems like this is all there will ever be now in our life.
Permanent tears. Permanent anger.
Yet, please take a look at two different times in your life in which you were steeped in heartache or rage. The tears came…..and they left.
Today it may seem like these will never end…..but they will.
Take a lesson from your own past. The pains were temporary.
They are temporary even now.
Forgiveness helps them to be temporary.
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Great post. Take the long perspective. It truly works in calming one down and preparing to endure for a little while. Thanks.
This long view is very helpful. I sometimes get so caught up in the present that it seems like I am stuck here forever. Of course I am just fooling myself with this short perspective and have to work on this.
The bad stuff of life always ends. This blog post is a good reminder to all of us that we need to hang in there and not grow discouraged. The pain is temporary.
My past has become a protection for me. I had not thought about that before.
Yes, you are right. The pain was temporary. I tend to forget that whenever new pain comes to visit. I have to stop giving the new pain too much credit.