It seems to me that with the advent of social media, people now have an excuse to show their anger publicly, to vent as a group, and therefore this is a forum for anger to be nurtured, to grow, and even to grow beyond what is reasonable. How can we incorporate forgiveness into social media for good?

You make a good point that anger seems to have the upper hand right now in social media as people vent about politics, community unfairness, and other issues of injustice.  Yet, we now have an unprecedented opportunity to get the message out about forgiveness as one approach to unfairness.  Introducing a quotation about forgiveness on one’s own social media page, for example, could reach hundreds of people.  Persevering in your posting about forgiveness could bear more fruit now than you might realize.  As people are free to vent on social media, as you say, you now are free to talk about the paradox of being good to those who are not being good to you.

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