The Anti-Bullying Forgiveness Program


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The Anti-Bullying Forgiveness Program: Reducing the Fury Within Those Who Bully

Bullying is a set of behaviors, used repeatedly against someone of lesser strength, which includes ridicule, aggression, and at times force to have the one bullied comply with certain wants. The one bullied sees the other’s behavior as unwanted, aggressive, and usually powerful. The intent of the bullying is to do harm to the other, physically, emotionally, and/or mentally.

Unless we eliminate the anger in the hearts of those who bully, we will not eliminate bullying.
Robert D. Enright

This program, produced by Dr. Robert Enright, is for children in grades 4 (age 9) through grade 9 (age 14). It is intended for use with those who are showing bullying behavior. The purpose of this instructional guide is to help such students to forgive those who have deeply hurt them. Bullying behavior does not occur in a vacuum, but can result from deep inner rage, not resulting from those who are bullied but often from others who have hurt them in family, school, or neighborhood.

Forgiveness can be a powerful way of reducing pent-up anger. It is possible that the competent use of this program can not only reduce but also play a part in eliminating bullying behavior. It is our contention that bullying starts from within, as anger, and comes out as displaced anger onto the victim. Forgiveness targets this anger and then reduces it, thus reducing or eliminating the displaced anger which comes out as bullying.

This program can be used by school counselors, social workers, and teachers. It can be used by homeschooling parents. We recommend that only licensed mental health professionals conduct the “Forgiving the Person Who Hurt Me” Activity in Lesson 7 because of the sensitive nature of the material. In that activity of Lesson 7, the student is guided through an entire forgiveness process, which can be stressful. Yet, for a student to grow out of deep anger, this exercise is important for emotional healing.

There are 8 lessons, each taking from 30 to 60 minutes. We recommend that the lessons be repeated for students who have more than one person to forgive (and more than one incident of injustice from any one person). All of the material to teach these lessons is self-contained in this guide; there are no other textbooks or materials to purchase.

Because Dr. Enright wants to share this program and its positive benefits with as many teachers and counselors as possible, the International Forgiveness Institute is making the complete instructional manual available at no cost.

This manual is offered free and is available as an electronic download. To order, click the “Add to Cart” button above.

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Standard Version – Electronic, Christian Version – Electronic