Tagged: “email communications”
IFI Receives Prestigious 2017 All Star Award
The International Forgiveness Institute has received the 2017 All Star Award from Constant Contact for the creativity and effectiveness of its internet communications, particularly its email newsletters..
Only small businesses and nonprofits using Constant Contact’s email marketing tools are eligible for the All Star Award. Criteria used to select this year’s All Stars included, among others, use of social sharing features (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) as well as open, bounce, and click-through rates of email marketing campaigns..
“We’re happy to be recognized by Constant Contact for achieving strong marketing results and for consistently developing creative ways to communicate with our various audiences,” according to Dr. Robert Enright, co-founder of the IFI. “That has helped us gain acceptance of our Forgiveness Education Curriculum Guides in more than 30 countries around the world where forgiveness education is being taught.”
Constant Contact, with more than 5 million customers, works to empower small businesses and nonprofits to grow effective customer relationships and succeed..
“Our emails and communication tools are made with our
readers and supporters in mind,” Dr. Enright added.“So thank you for engaging and interacting with us. We look forward to even more productive interactions throughout 2018!”
Dennis Blang, Director of the IFI, handles all the organization’s communications planning and implementation. A Purple Heart Vietnam veteran, Blang has a journalism degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. To sign up for the IFI newsletter, contact Blang at director@internationalforgiveness.com.