A Supposedly Unsolvable Situation in the Middle East

I heard recently that a top peace negotiator was discouraged by the events in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. He said that the divide between the two is “unsolvable.”

Having just spent two weeks in Israel, I am convinced that there is a solution to the entrenched political and spiritual warfare in the broken Middle East. It is not an immediate but instead a long-range solution requiring patience and much perseverance. It is this: education on family, school, and community levels regarding what forgiveness is, what it is not, how to practice it, and how to bring it alongside justice. Those so schooled, perhaps in the next several generations, very well may find the way to community peace. “Justice first” may never come.


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Categories: Anger, Education, Our Forgiveness Blog


  1. Samantha says:

    Too often those on the front lines for peace look to the immediate solution. They need the eyes to see farther—-much farther—as you are in this post. It is time to listen to this wisdom.

  2. Samantha says:

    Short-run solutions are too superficial. Your long-run solution needs to be tried.

  3. Chris says:

    “Justice first” means that each side is waiting for change from the other. This is not likely to come when there is mutual distrust. Introducing themes of mercy may help the political process inch forward because each side then is committing to see the humanity in the other.


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