See Farther with the Eyes of Justice AND Forgiveness
To forgive is to see farther than justice alone allows you to see.
When you seek justice, you ask, “What has this person done and what consequences should happen to him or her?”
When you seek forgiveness and justice together, you first ask, “Who is this person as a person?” and then you ask what the consequences should be.
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Forgiveness does seem to aid the mechanical operation of justice, engaged in by itself. Forgiveness, as you point out, humanizes the process of justice and so makes it all the more fair.
It’s about balance. Forgiveness alone or justice alone are not as strong as both together.
Whenever I am zeroed in on justice only I notice that I still have anger in my heart, sometimes too much of it actually. Forgiveness can take some of that anger out so that I can see and act more clearly.