The Importance of Forgiveness Education: A Report from Jerusalem
My world travels are bearing fruit and I am glad this is the case. Forgiveness deserves this. For the very latest news, see my recent update: “Forgiveness Education Around the World.“
My current thinking about the importance of forgiveness education is here: “Does Forgiveness Have a Place in Contentious Regions of the World? A Case for Forgiveness Education.”
Finally, I was asked to create an Executive Summary on our ideas about forgiveness therapy and forgiveness education for peace leaders in Jerusalem. You can read that one-page document here: “Forgiveness as the Path to Peace.”
It is snowing in Jerusalem….damp and cold……but my heart is warm from the reception here for forgiveness education.
PS: I would very much appreciate your thoughts about this blog post, about my world travels, and about the direction we have taken with international forgiveness education. Thank you for your feedback.
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This is great news. Is the world beginning to wake up to the vital importance of forgiveness education? It seems to be.
It is heartening to see the international reach of the forgiveness work. People from all over the world can have their hearts broken. Unfortunately, this is one thing that all human beings have in common. Yet, forgiveness offers hope for the heartbroken.
Forgiveness education could change the world. I really mean that. Children learning to forgive when they are young is an important idea. I wish I had been taught this early in my life.