Is the main test of forgiving the overcoming of anger?

Overcoming anger toward the one(s) who acted unjustly is one of the main ways of knowing that one is on the path of forgiving.  As Aristotle reminds us, none of us is perfect in appropriating the virtues.  As Aristotle further reminds us, there is much more to any virtue than just one component of it.  Therefore, overcoming anger is important and those who so overcome should feel very good about this.  At the same time, a forgiver should realize that there are other components of forgiveness that can be cultivated, such as a softened heart toward the one who was unjust.  This can include kindness, respect, generosity, and even love for the other.  The cultivation of love (the ancient Greek word for this kind of love is agape, or loving others even when it is painful to do so) toward this person seems to be the highest level of forgiving and this can take both effort and time to achieve.

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