I’ve encountered a significant obstacle in my quest to comprehend the person who injured me.  The hurt makes me terrified to “step inside his shoes.”  When I am unable to accomplish this, I feel like I am not progressing at all and my entire forgiveness route kind of collapses.  How can I get unstuck, in your opinion?

I get the impression that you no longer trust this person.  If so, please remember that you do not always need to trust when you are forgiving.  When you are prepared to make amends (because you see that his behavior is not, at present, harmful to you), trust emerges. Please consider your degree of anger again if this realization proves to be helpful. Maybe you’re more enraged than you acknowledge. Try to forgive the one who offended you for a less serious injustice, if there is one.  As you work on forgiving this person for a smaller offense, you might get stronger in your ability to forgive him for a more serious injustice.  Starting the forgiveness process with someone else, who is not as difficult to forgive, is another possible approach.  Also, maintaining a strong will to forgive is crucial.  The strong will helps you to be motivated to keep on the pathway of forgiveness even when it is difficult to do so.

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