If I am gravely hurt by another person, is the forgiveness journey ever truly ended?  In other words, might my sadness and anger re-emerge during my life?

Because we are all imperfect, it follows that we are imperfect forgivers.  When we are deeply hurt by others, yes, the sadness and anger can re-emerge as you say.  Yet, and this is important, as you continue to practice forgiveness, the sadness and anger lessen and your ability to more efficiently and quickly forgive increases.  So, over time, the sadness and anger tend to lessen.  When they come back, they usually are not as troublesome and you can practice forgiveness again with even better results than when you started.  So, I encourage you to have hope as you forgive.  Your sadness and anger likely will not dominate you in the future as you persevere with forgiving.

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