In your Process Model of Forgiveness, you talk about uncovering pain and even shame.  At the same time, you say that “venting” should be avoided.  So, what’s the difference between uncovering pain and venting?

In the book Forgiveness Is a Choice, I talked about venting as excessive anger that is intense and even long-lasting.  Uncovering pain is different in that the point is to see the inner anger, frustration, fatigue, and discouragement without having a temper tantrum over it.  Venting, in the sense meant here, is excessive anger, which can become a habit.  This can lead to further psychological complications such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.  To uncover is to understand without the heightened emotions.  The understanding can lead to a free-will choice to try forgiveness, which can lessen that which has been uncovered.

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