Dr. Enright is sharing the good news of forgiveness in interviews across the world!

Dr. Robert Enright
Since our most recent post in May on this IFI News page, Dr. Robert Enright has had the following media interviews concerning different aspects of forgiveness:
Interview with Waldir Ochoa, ENTREVISTAS JIUMAN, Colombia, South America, on the topic of forgiveness, May 2, 2024.
Live interview with Dr. Michael Aronoff, Sirius XM, Doctor Radio, on the topic of forgiveness, June 25, 2024.
Interview with Gael Aitor and Kayla Suarez for Grown Kid podcast, July 12, 2024.
Interview with Malene Jensen, Weekendavisen newspaper, Denmark, on the topic of forgiveness, August 15, 2024.
Interview with Kari Knutson, University of Wisconsin-Madison Communications, on the topic of the Gallagher Brothers and the possibility of forgiveness, August 29, 2024.
Interview on the Radio Breakfast Show, Surrey, United Kingdom, on the topics of repentance and forgiveness, September 20, 2024.
Interview with Yowei Shaw, Proxy, an Apple podcast, on the topic of forgiveness, October 10, 2024.