Forgiving Infidelity in a Marriage

Image by alleksana,

In an August 12, 2024, post on, Dana Vince reports on a married couple, Toby and Shannon, who overcame a year-long affair that Toby had with an ex-girlfriend from college.  What helped was for each of them to see the weaknesses that each brought to that year.  For Toby, he opened up about a conflicted family while growing up and being bullied in the past by peers.  He brought a feeling of inadequacy into the marriage, and when Shannon began to work long hours, his feelings of inadequacy increased.  Shannon, in their time of forgiveness, seeking forgiveness, and reconciliation, began to give more attention to the marriage so that Toby felt more of a sense of commitment on her part and on his.  Their exploring weaknesses was not to find excuses for the affair but instead to better understand each other, aid each other in their weaknesses, and increase confidence in the marriage.  It worked and they developed a qualitatively better marriage than prior to the challenging year.




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